Monday, June 30, 2014

Who am i?

Date:- 2071-03-16
Nirjala Adhikari

Writing of the Day
I always feel life is mysterious. Everyone has own mystery. Noone able to know others life fully. If anyone told you that he understood you then that is only hypocracy. Nothing more then that. If someone asked you who are you? Then you became puzzled while giving answer. Like the Sophie of Sophie’s world. Till the date I don,t know who am I. For my mom and dad I am their daughter, for my brother I am his sister, for my friend i am their friend and so on. But for myself who am i? What is my identity?

As a female, sometimes I even questioned myself what is my identity? Our society, culture , tradition, religion never provide us or own seperate identity. They defined us only in the name of daughter, mother, wife and so on. We never got oppertunity to live our own life only in the sake of ourself. We always live and laugh in the name of daughter, wife and mother.  But i am still searching for own identity. Pondering for same dream where there is land for running and sky for running.

I am so much influenced by one saying,” Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.” We female are always become option. We never became the center. We are harshly dominated by patriarchal society. We are always option for society. But now i have been observing some positive change because the society has been changing.But as a women, we can able to experience different type of life in a single life. We feel unique experience in the first mensuration period. Even we feel different kind atmosphere at the first day of marrige. We feel more mature and grown up after being a mother. So, we have many challenges in our life but we can get lot,s of unique and fantastic experience.

Female experience and world is far more different then male’s world. Because female world is always full of love, care, compassion,respect and kindness. We never able to become cruel. We always wants to make our world beautiful. But male,s world is full of cruality,betryal, domination and egoism. Male never able to give loves. So male and female are opposite creature of this universe. But perfect combination of both of them makes greater world. So, both gender have to respect each other although they have different world.

Oh no I talked so much about my own experience as a women. But still i am not able to get the answer of who am i? So, life is so mysterous for me.

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