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Showing posts from December, 2015

That's Why I Write

“When I am too sad and too skinny to keep keeping, when I am a tiny thing against so many bricks, then it is I look at trees. When there is nothing left to look at on this street. Four who grew despite concrete. Four who reach and do not forget to reach. Four whose only reason is to be and be.” When I read it, I feel as if it is written for me. Like those skinny trees, I also grew up despite concrete. Like skinny trees, I always feel an outsider in the group people. Like them, I always feel tiny. And I am one whose only reason is to be and be. I  am one, who never loved by the mass. I am one, who always sits at the corner and thinks about her own stuffy world. Considers herself so boring. So  idiosyncratic . Sometimes I think that I have to write my own story. The story of my ugliness. The story of my unbelongingness. The story of my hard work. The story of my pain. The story of my uniqueness. But I am not a good writer. Most of the time, I write about myself. I tell my own stori

शब्दहरुलाई मुर्दावाद

समय कठपुतली बनेर यदाकदा माग गर्छ धेरै कुरा पत्याउँनै गार्हो छ र त बाचिरहेछु बुढो इतिहास बोकेर भन्नुपर्ने थियो मैले उसँग नबोल्नु आवाज नहुनु होईन भनेर आज आफ्नै भद्धा शब्दहरुले मलाई रंङ्ग्याएर  गएको छ उ शहरबनेर बोलिदिन्छ शहरीया शब्दहरु र पोतिदिन्छ सेतो कागजमा कालो मसिले म आफ्नै जीवनकी मालिक्नी हुँ हाँस्छु बोल्छु तर यसको मतलब विनाकारण रंङ्ग्याउँने अधिकार होइन भाषा आवाज हो अधिनायकत्व होइन भाषा जननी हो कुनै बाद र लिङ्ग होइन मुर्दावाद उसको शब्दलाई मुर्दावाद उसको विचारलाई माफ गर आज आफ्नै शब्दहरुले आफैंलाई रंङ्ग्याएकी  छु।