Friday, June 27, 2014

Beauty Versus Me

Beauty Versus Me

I would never able to understand that external beauty worth so much. From childhood, I keep on believing that beauty is beyond the skin deep. My mom always taught me how to be proud of my blackness, my femaleness and therefore my inherent ability to rise after being stuck down. But outer reality is far more different than my belief system. So, it ruined me in a great agony.

My mom never gave me any suggestion, tips or lesson about how to be cosmetic beauty. She never told me you have to be a beautiful. She always wants to make me bold, courageous, intellectual and better human being. Nothing more than that. So, at the age of teenage, I would never realize that, I am not beautiful. I am not average looking girl. Infact, I am quiet  below than average looking. But after fifteen i could able to realize those things with the people around me. I encountered with the people who believe on external beauty. When I came to know that people saw me from different point of view than other average looking girl. At that time I was in great conflict. Many times I had questioned myself being like that is my fault? Infact there is no greater agony then bearing an untold story inside us. So, I am going to explore or confess my conflict towards the people who think that beauty is skin deep.

In my childhood,I would never heard that I was not beautiful. I passed my childhood as a average Nepalese child. My parents never gave me any glimpses to awaire about beauty especally physical structure. Actually,they provided me all the opportunity, love and respect which I ought to be. Especially my dad have lot,s of over expectation from me. I don,t know I will able to fullfill or not. He always dreamed me something more than ordinary Nepalese women. He wants to see me in the position like Indira Gandhi, Sailaja Acharya and so on. For him, I am the ground breaking women who have potential to challenge the world. So, they never give emphasis on physical beauty.
After SLC, I moved on Kathmandu for further study. Before that I couldnot realized that Kathmandu was so much cruel then my hometown. I started doing plus two in Rehdon college, Samakhushi. At that time I was living with my Uncle and Aunt. But the relatives of my Aunt who came into the home sometimes talked about my physical structure. They told with my Aunt how ugly she is. At that day First time I realized that physically I am not good looking. That made me furious as well as unhappy. At that time I thought why people raised me question where there is no any fault of me. They could have right to asked about my education, my performance. But why people questioned on those things where I could not do anything. So, in those days I was in great mental dilemma.

Similarly, I had completed my plus two with good marks. My father became so happy. I could saw that happiness eyes. After that I joined St.Lawrence College for further study.But day by day I pondered into depression because of people,s comment on my outlook. People in microbus or in the way teased me , laugh at me indicating my physical structure. That ruined me a great depression. In those days, I was in hyper stress. I want to share one incident when I was on the way to college. At that time one of the stranger asked me How much thin you are? Do you have any physical problem? That hurt me so much. I heard many times those type of question. But one of the good aspect of those days was I got amazing friend. Especially Shova, she is my great friend ever. She always told me that :- Dear! You have more potential  so-called foolish beautiful girl. Her persuasion always made me felt good. She always told me you had more courage to pass long and difficult journey. In my lifetime, I have two greatest friend ever. They are Sarika and Shova. Sarika taught me lesson of courage and Shova taught me lession of calm. I could not able to forget Zelation Sir and Shova Mam as well. They gave me courage to fight with those type of damn people.

When I was in B.A third year one of the teacher also deal with me so vogoursly. I don,t want to tell his name because  I only call the name of those whom i respect. He never included in my dictionary. He was a photography teacher. One day he told us that he could abe to told the future of other by seeing others face. All of my friend were stand in front of him turn by turn. He told them that you were going to be teacher, professor, journalist and so on. I did not want to go in front him. But all the friend forced me. When he saw my face suddenly he had changed his gesture and told me you were going to be a shopkeeper. The word shopkeeper strikes me so much. Whole day I felt so guilty and unhappy. But finally I could able to assumed that he had predicted by seeing physical beauty of student. Many times he had made me outsider in classroom activity as well. Even while taking group photo he did not include me. Slowly and gradually I was aware about his inner reality. That event became turning point of my life. After that I realize that I should have to made my own destiny and future to challenge this world.

Recently, in early days of this semister some of my classmate teased me indicating my physical structure. That made me sad. But suddenly I realize that they were also product of society. I thought they were the stereotypical member of this society. So, I forgive them and moved on from that disgusting event.

Actually, now I am happy whatever I am. I know beauty is beyond the skin deep. Sometimes when people teased me, laugh at me and made me as a part of fun is a disgusting way. Focusing on my physical beauty made me furious. But now a days I laugh at them seeing their ignorance and poor knowledge about beauty. When I read about Helen Keller, Parijat, Virginia Woolf, Vincent Van Gaugh, Ghamak Ghimire. I feel relief because they defined beauty by their work not by the appearance they have.

At last I want to say don.t judge the book by its cover. Beauty is also like a book. So don.t judge people by their physical structure or by only seeing with naked eyes. Till the date. I am searching for safe land where I have complete right to run with my own dream. So, I want to challenge myself with my beauty.

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