Recently I have started the teaching career. I think it is all about default. Or I don’t know it is all about destiny or something else. Now I am a teacher. Teacher of children to whom study is not something interesting like movie, song or any interesting game. They are cheerful at the same time very restless. The first week when I started teaching I used to feel as if I lost my own self. As a creative being, I want some time with myself and I always wanted to have my workplace very silent and cozy. But in school, I had to cope with the very noisy environment. And that was the thing which was making me very uncomfortable. At the same time, I was in a dilemma whether my choice of being a teacher is good or not. Because it is not that thing which I like to do.
I always have love hate relationship with the teaching profession. Because teaching is something which made me like this. Which shaped me. It is something which fulfilled my necessities in each step of my life. And I always feel now what I am is all because of my teachers. In a way, they shaped me as a person. But at the same time, it's so difficult to work in that environment which is so uncomfortable. Similarly, it’s very hard to do that thing which you don’t like to do.
Each person has their own personality. I think my personality doesn't suit teaching. Similarly, I don’t want to be a typical teacher which demands some kind arrogance and rigidity. But it’s hard to be different in each profession.These days when I think about the life I consider it only a journey. Nothing more nothing less.
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