Monday, July 28, 2014

हिड्छु यो सहरमा

म  भन्न सक्दिन तिमीलाई
म दुखी छु भनेर
तिम्री छोरी बदनाम
भैसकी भंनेर

न पोख्न  सक्छु मेरो कथालाई
सबैले पढ्ने उपन्यास वनाएर
न लेख्न सक्छु आफ्नो ब्यथालाई
छन्दात्मक कविता वनाएर

हिड्छु यो सहरमा
बिना कुनै लक्ष्य , गन्तब्य
आफ्नै लहडमा आफ्नै गतिमा
मान्छेहरुको भिडमा एक्लै

न बताउन सक्छु यो समाजलाई
म कसरी बदनाम  भए भनेर
म कसरी लुटिय भनेर
मेरो कसरी चिरहरण भयो भनेर

त्यसैले बाच्दैछु  यो सहरमा
फालेको फोहोर जसरी
न कसैले देख्छ मलाई न कसैले सोध्छ मलाई
म कसरी लुटिय र बदनाम भए भंनेर

Friday, July 11, 2014

About Love

Date 2071-03-26
Nirjala Adhikari
Writing of the Day

I want to start my writing with the saying of Maya Angelou, “ I do not trust people who don.t love themselves and yet tell me ‘ I love you’. There is an African saying which is: Be careful when a naked people offers you  a short.” While taking about love, it,s more than word. It,s difficult to define the word ‘love’ because it has more value on feeling than saying. Everyone have different feelings while she or he is in love. But before loving others we have to love ourself. Love yourself and watch then you obviously seems your life beautiful.

But loving ownself is a great deal. Many people are not able do this because they are not ready to accept themselves whatever they are. Although, they are seeking the love of others in their life. That is one of the greatest illusion of human life because if we should not love ourself then how should others able to love us. So, I am always fascinated by the saying of Maya Angelou which I already mentioned above. Infact loving ownself has greater value then loving others. Only those people who love ownself able to give love to others.

There are different kind of love which we found in our life. The unconditional love of parents, caring and warm love of brothers and sisters, kindful love of friends as well as different kind of love of life partner. All those types of love given by different people have different kind of taste. Although, different kind of love is hooked on different kind of relationship. Sometimes we do  make lot,s of mistake which might ruined our relationship. But mistake is a single page of life but relation is a complete book. So, don,t loose full book for a single page.

According to Osho,” IF you love a person, how can you destroy his or her freedom? If you trust her or his freedom too.” I am so much impressed by this saying of Osho because if we are  in love with someone then we have to accept his or her all the vice and virtue too. We have to respect his\her freedom too because he\she love himself\herself rather than other. So, loving somebody is somehow is loving ownself. That,s why before loving someone we have to love ourself.

In a nutshell, love yourself and love others. Being in a love is good thing. It gives us motivation, inspiration and positive flavour. So, love yourself and watch. You  definitely found your life beautiful.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


कसरी भन्न सक्छौ  तिमीले
मसंग  हिड  भनेर
आमाको दुधलाई थुकेर
बावुको विश्वासलाई तोडेर

कसरी सोच्न सक्छौ तिमीले
म तिम्री मायालू  मात्र हु भनेर
म कसैकी छोरी , बहिनी , दिदी पनि त हु
के म यी सबलाई त्याग्न सकूला

कसरी बाध्न सक्छौ तिमीले
त्यो तिम्रो चौघेरा भित्र
उडीरहने पन्छीजसरी दौडीरहने  म
के म बाधिन सकूला त्यो तिम्रो जन्जीरभित्र

कसरी सोध्न सक्छौ तिमीले
मेरो अस्तीत्व र पहीचानलाई
तिम्री आमा म अनि यो धर्ति एउटै जराका बोटहरू  हौ
के म बताउन सकूला मेरी अनि तिम्री आमाको अस्तित्वलाई

कसरी बोल्न सक्छौ तिमीले
मेरो यो पेसा पाप हो भनेर म एउटा नगरबधु हु भनेर
के तिम्रो जन्म अनि मेरो जन्म यै पापको फल होइन र
अनि म कसरी नभनु म एउटा नगरबधु होइन भनेर  


यो नेपथ्यको आवाज हो । जसलाई यो मेरो आवाज हो भनेर भन्नु छैन । अथवा भनेर पनि नभनेझै गर्नुछ । अथवा दावी गर्नु छैन । बाचेर पनि नबाचेझै गर्नु छ...