Saturday, March 30, 2013

Photo story: Honacha-

The craze of Facebook is increasing day by day. Even in hotel, restaurant or in a cafe there is name of facebook. Above mention photo one of the suitable example of it. In a hording -board of restaurant also added When i saw it  i am amuzed by it.
Honacha what a funny name, isn,t it ?
I can conclude this photo story saying picture tells it self and a picture tells more than a thousands of word.

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निर्जला अधिकारी बाटो लामो छ हिड्नुपर्ने, हिडेको केही घण्टा त भयो । किन म यति धेरैे थाक्दैछु । यो थाक्ने उमेर पनि त होइन । सायद हो कि ? हुन त...