Saturday, March 30, 2013

Photo story: Honacha-

The craze of Facebook is increasing day by day. Even in hotel, restaurant or in a cafe there is name of facebook. Above mention photo one of the suitable example of it. In a hording -board of restaurant also added When i saw it  i am amuzed by it.
Honacha what a funny name, isn,t it ?
I can conclude this photo story saying picture tells it self and a picture tells more than a thousands of word.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


There is one saying "There is no second in journalism." Journalism always seeks new and novel things. That,s why there is always first in journalism. Journalist always have to first in capturing photo. So photojournalist always want to capture photo. So, photojournalist always want to capture dessive movement and scoop photo.

History is written as well as recorded document of past event. But photo gives a event public concern. Photo is one of the best medium to record something. And it is a live medium to record something.

Photojournalist captured the photo to inform as well as to illustrate the story. Photo which were captured in the camera of journalist as well as published in the newspaper would be evidence for history. For example, Gorkhapatra in its 23rd Ashad edition had published a picture of Rana Priminister Chandra Samsher. If Gorkhapatra hadnot published that newspaper then we cannot able to see the apprence of Chandra Shamsher. So, it become history.

Although, photojournalist are the history teller as well as recorder where they record different dessive movement of the past. Then that record became the history which shows that photojournalist are the first eyewitness of history.

Now a days media is running through the concept of "seeing is believing". Newspapers like to express information in a visual medium then it plays the role of live medium in a newspaper.

Photojournalist records past event in a visual medium and they show many evidences of history which is in a recorded form. From the above mention argument we can say that photojournalist are the first eyewitness of history.

Monkey enjoying with banana in a Swambhunath temple


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